Raise Your Spiritual Awareness And
Create Abundance Doing What You Love

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Spiritual Development Academy™

The Most Comprehensive Program to Attain Greater Joy & Happiness, Accelerate Your Spiritual Growth and Transform Your Life


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Awaken to your inner guidance, GAIN GREATER iNNER PEACE, Feel excited about life, Find your highest purpose and Accelerate your spiritual growth with me as your coach and your own private community of spiritual seekers supporting you
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Create Abundance & Freedom Doing What You Love

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Student Testimonials

“SDA has benefitted me in so many ways. I think anyone who takes this will only benefit from it. This program has helped me live a more fulfilling life and help those around me live their best lives. I now feel more grounded, in tune with the universe and in tune with love. I'm now more at peace, more grateful, more excited about life, more trusting, more confident, more kind and more present. I just cant imagine where I'd be if I hadn't come across this course. If you have any thoughts about this course, I highly recommend it.”
"I started SDA as a bit of a lost soul looking for more in my life. By completing the course I’ve learned to let go of my past hurt and anger and practice forgiveness, which is something that's difficult for us stubborn people to do. One of the biggest things that this led to was me being present in my life, and that’s the most important thing I pulled from this class. I no longer worry about the things that happened in the past that have caused me that hurt and pain and anger or no longer worry about things in the future that are beyond my control. So the biggest thing I can tell you is “Be. Here. Now.” I don’t know what I would have done without SDA or Chris. Thank you so much."
Julia L’Esperance
“As a result of completing SDA, I feel so much lighter and everything is flowing with love and gratitude. I’m now able to share loving kindness with others in my community. People have noticed a big improvement in my happiness, energy and spirituality. For me SDA stood out vs other courses because the course awakens you and the practice continues for a lifetime! Chris is one of those teachers who shows us what to look for but not what to see! The possibilities are endless and knowing the power within is key to success.”

“I highly recommend taking this course whether you are a beginner or more advanced. There is something for everyone. Chris, the instructor makes it easy to understand and he is very relatable. The course thoroughly encompasses all of the material needed to begin/further your spiritual journey. The exercises he gives to develop your psychic senses are easy to follow and so valuable I have used them over and over.  
When/if Chris offers another course I will not hesitate to take it. It is affordable yet priceless!!!!”
“This course is an excellent introduction to the world of Mediumship! It is very thorough, practical and easy to follow. You will have all the tools necessary for your spiritual journey. I highly recommend this course to anyone interested in developing a solid foundation in Mediumship.”
“The courses’s modules are complete with practice exercises that allow the learner to strengthen their spirit connection in a personalized way. Chris’s teaching works to honor spirit first and foremost, providing opportunity for deeper connections. His empathy, kindness, and genuine nature allow the learner to feel safe and supported during their journey.”

“Without Beginner’s Mediumship, I never would have been able to be comfortable and reassured of the communication process with spirit, since you’ve helped raise my mediumship abilities. Now I find myself further opening up to spirit, increasing my ability and feeling less scared of what I’m doing. I’m also not wondering if what I’m getting is me or spirit anymore. What I like about your training is that you answered all my questions, all my doubts, in a very down to earth, matter of fact way. You inspire confidence in others so they won’t be anxious or confused. In all my previous mediumship classes I was missing details, which left me confused and frustrated. You also give a lot of examples and anecdotes to help students better relate to and understand the concepts you teach.”
"Chris is knowledgeable, personable and passionate. Most importantly, he's lived both sides of the coin and understand the evidential and science aspect of this craft. So excited to learn with you!"
Kieran Carney
"I saw Chris at a public mediumship demonstration.  The reading he gave me was nothing short of amazing. He described my late uncle in intricate detail. When he mentioned that this man was holding an infant, I couldn't contain my emotions. I lost my son in 2015. To know he was with him brought so much peace to my heart. I can't express the gratitude I have for Chris. He has an amazing gift. I am so thankful that he was able to connect with my family."
"Chris is a very genuine and compassionate medium. Accurate and honest--and I am a psychic medium, who is not impressed with any of them. This guy blew me away! I needed my own validation and he was clear and right on the money! I highly recommend his services!"
Chris was absolutely phenomenal! I  wanted my love, my soulmate, Logan to come through so bad and I was not disappointed! Chris had no idea of my desires concerning this. He validated my Logan more ways than I can count! Logan came through, and true to his character, with a bang! I can honestly say this was the most touching, and heartwarming, joyful experience I have had thus far with a medium. 
Megan Doyle
"Chris is an amazingly gifted medium. He picked up my husband, Bob, right away and described his appearance and characteristics to a tee. He was even able to pick up the details of my husband’s memorial as if he were physically there. I was blown away by his accuracy. Chris was able to maintain communication with Bob for the entire session. I was overjoyed to be able to spend a little more time with my husband. I highly recommend Chris and will be seeing him again."

Additional Testimonials


Aim high, see big, judge widely

Get Closer To Your Goals

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the explosion of coaches and spirituality courses that have become available? Are you unsure which ones will suit you the best? Are you concerned about their quality?

Studying with Chris will help you learn how to:
  • Scale your spiritual business and better serve your clients
  • Strengthen you connection with spirit & the divine
  • Deliver evidential and healing messages from spirit
  • Utilize a detailed knowledge base for further development

Benefits of Chris's Courses

Chris has designed his courses so they can be easily followed in a step-by-step manner
to accelerate your learning  without confusion or delay.

Practical approach

Training is designed to provide the best skills in a practical and easily understood manner. Student success is the best asset in showing the quality of this training.

Detail oriented

Strategies shared and knowledge earned allow students to develop their skills in greater detail with a more practical application with greater understanding.

For your future

Whether you want to just expand your innate abilities or seek to grow your spiritual business, Chris's courses will get you there. 

Join Our Community

When you join our community, you receive our monthly email newsletter and join our private, supportive  community of friends seeking greater spiritual development. The newsletter contains advice about understanding and connecting to the spirit world, interviews of professional mediums and advice on growing your spiritual, intuitive or coaching business.

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