Accelerate Your Unfoldment

Mediumship Certification Level I Plus
1x1 Mentorship Package

Unfold your mediumship by learning the fundamentals of spirit communication with both  1x1 instruction and online supplemental material.
Courses included

Mediumship Level 1 + Mentorship

Accelerate your development of mediumship with 1x1 mentorship. The 1x1 Tutorial plan adds 13 1x1 sessions with Chris to help you focus and accelerate your growth. You get 11 personalized trainings and 2 1 hour readings assessed by me. Support your growth by learning the fundamentals of spirit communication with online supplemental material. Gain your certification upon completion.

Beginner's Mediumship
1x1 Tutorial

Unfold your mediumship by learning the fundamentals of spirit communication with both 1x1 instruction and online supplemental material.
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